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An activity is something that people do in order to achieve a certain goal.

Human activities refer to the sum of all things that human beings do to modify the environment, as well

as the exploitation of the environment for the resources needed to survive. Over time , human beings

have moved from basic tools to more improved and efficient technology for this purposes.


Human activities can be categorized into two types; social and economic activities. The social activities

studied in geography include population and settlement.

Economic activities studied in geography include agriculture as referred to the cultivation of crops and

rearing of livestock. This is commonly practiced human activities and many people take it as an income

generating activity or for the purposes of meeting the family s food requirements.

Tourism is another economic activity which involves traveling to interesting places for leisure, education

or business. Some of the tourists place in Tanzania like Ngorongoro crater, Serengeti National Park,

Zanzibar and others.

Another economic activity is Energy and power generation which includes all activities aimed at

producing and distributing power or running machinery, lighting as well as heating.

Trade is also one of the economic activities where it refers to the buying and selling of goods and

services. This referred as one of the oldest human activities and is still very common today.

Transport also involves the movement of people and goods from one place to another. Transport often

goes with communication as it refers to the sending of messages between people. These are vital

human activities on which most of the activities rely on.

Mining is also another economic activity as it referred to the extraction of valuable minerals from the

ground. Some of these minerals are scarce and therefore expensive.

To sum up, therefore economic activities include agriculture, tourism, energy and power generation,

trade, transport and communication and mining.


(1) They provide employment to the people.

(2) They can facilitate rapid improvement in technology.

(3) They facilitate the improvement of transport and communication in a particular area.

(4) They promote the living standards and responsibility of the people. The living standard promoted

through income generation as some people are employed in various human activities like Agriculture,

trade e.t c.

(5) It has contributed to the generation of Government income (Government revenue).

(6) They act as the source of foreign money exchange


Agriculture is the branch of science which deals with crop cultivation and animal keeping.

Crop cultivation is called arable farming and it is carried out on a better quality of land. Pastoral

farming is normally carried out in less fertile land.





It is the type of agriculture [crop cultivation] where a farmer owns a piece of land and not more

than 5 hectares.

Small scale farming may involve growing annual crops such as cotton, coffee, tea etc. Annual

crops are grown mostly on areas where rainfall is scarce and perennial [permanent] crops are

planted once and remain planted, for example;


· Coffee

· Tea

· Rubber

· Palm oil

· Sisal

Characteristics of small farming

i) Farms are usually small in size with 1-5 hectares

ii) Ownership is at family level

iii) Farmers produce crops for subsistence like for immediate use

iv) Farms are heritable in nature like land is passed from father to son

v) Low levels of technology is used like the use of local tools like hoes, pangas and slashers

vi) More than one crop may be grown in one plantation

vii) Low capital is used to run the farm.

viii) It involve the use of unskilled laborers.


i) Easy to control farm work [less cost full]

ii) More than one crop can be obtained from the farm [one plot]

iii) Provide employments to the family members


Low productivity hence poor standard of living

Gender imbalance [women are not involved in land heritage and ownership has no power on

what they produce]

Heritage of land leads to land fragmentation and over population in a small piece of land hence

results into shortage of land

An application of machines such as tractors is difficult because of small farming size.

Problems facing small scale Agriculture

1) Lack of enough funds

2) Poor government support

3) Climate changes

4) Low level of science and technologies

5) Low level of education among farmers.


There are two types of small scale agriculture;

a) Shifting cultivation/ non sedentary

b) Bush fallowing /rational

Shifting cultivation [non sedentary]

Is the system in which a peasant keeps on shifting from one area to another as a result of soil

exhaustion. In this type of agriculture peasants cultivates certain piece of land until the soil is

exhausted after 2-5 years then shifts to a new piece of land where he cleans and cultivates.



· It is the oldest method.

· Done by burning of trees on a given area and set the area ready for cultivation

· There is no formation of permanent settlement as the land is abandoned and fresh area is

cleared it is sometimes called flash and burn agriculture

· The crops grown most of them being scanty crops

· It involves slashing and burning of bushes and grasses

· It is practiced when there is low population for easy shifting and possession of a certain

piece of land

· Production is for subsistence

· Simple tools are used like hand hoes because of low technology

· The cultivators do not have permanent settlements since they expect to leave any time ,

sites are selected in the virgin forest and therefore tend to be fertile


1) More than one crop can be harvested in a plot

2) Burning involves production of ashes which assist in soil fertility

3) Food supply is assured since the family cultivates for self sufficient basics

4) The system does not cost since simple tools are used for production

5) Family labour is used in the production process


1)Deforestation and soil erosion

2)The use of fire kills [destroys] the natural habitats and wild animals

3)The system can be applied on the low populated areas

4) Low productivity because the plots are small and due to poor control of pests and diseases.

5) Destruction of ozone layer due to burning of bushes and grasses.

Decline of shifting cultivation

Shifting cultivation has declined nowadays due to the following reasons;

· Increased population

· Rapid increase of population has resulted in the shortage of land for cultivation

· Advancement of science and technology

· Influence of government policy which encourages on sedentary and other farming types

which are environmental friendly

· Reaction from environmentalists

· Engagement of people in other economic activities


Is the system of farming in which peasant cultivates in a certain area until it gets exhausted and

leave it for a certain period of time to regain its fertility.

It differs from shifting cultivation in that farmers are settled and hence are rotating rather than

shifting to a new home.

Rotational bush fallowing is the simplest form of sedentary farming. This system took place after

shifting cultivation failed to perform well due to increase in population.


· Simplest tools are used through slightly more advanced technology than shifting


· Slashing and burning of bushes

· The community can involve or engage itself into other activities like fishing, hunting etc

· Farmers are settled but the farms are the ones which are rotating.


· Since the people are settled they engage fully and effectively in the production process.

· Slashing and burning involved in the farm preparation adds fertility to the land

· Fallowing gives room for the improvement of the soil and encourages the recovery of


· It takes places where there is high population unlike shifting cultivation

· Farmers can involve in other economic activities such as fishing


· There is low production because of the use of low technology and simple tools

· Slashing and burning can lead to environmental degradation as well as loss of


· Poor trade among communities


Is the farming system in which a farmer does not move and establish a permanent settlement.

The farmer grows crops and keeps animals.

Effects of overpopulation on small scale agriculture

What is over population?

Is the demographic situation where number of people at a given area is greater than the available

resources. The available resources may include; Land ,Water, Minerals etc

Over population is sometimes called population pressure